Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Running from Nuclear War

DISCLAIMER if this post gets me kicked off this platform okay that's great if not enjoy reading because we're in for a roller coaster ride.

Where do I even start when the trend on Google right now is how do I survive a nuclear war?

I don't watch all the mainstream news but this is a direct message to every person in power whether they're located in the United States of America or a foreign leader.

Cut these 5-year-old war game s*** out! Are you all still acting like you're on a playground in the world is your playground, f*** you!

Also to the reader who possibly maybe reading this past the third paragraph, yeah I've got some balls and they didn't just grow overnight they've been here a while.

Stop it now! This is the most direct message I have ever sent to anyone or any leaders. If you have to get in a train, a boat,!a car, or an airplane where you two can meet in a civilized fashion and stop considering dropping bombs on everyone.

Then again by tomorrow I could be dead because they did drop the bomb but at least I tried. What are the rest of you f**** doing out there?

Anything? I hope it's something. Thanks for reading.

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