Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Real AF Brand Life

I hear this almost every day that now is the greatest time to be alive. The world is abundant with opportunities and more then one way to make money.

My goals in my life are not centered around money because I find happiness to be more important than lifestyle but being a gym rat after 5 months has kind of changed that a little bit too.

Funny thing is I'm actually good at branding but I don't have a branding job nor have I ever been a brand ambassador to companies out in the world. That's okay though because they can hire some celebrity that no one, this isn't entirely true maybe a few people do care about celebrities, actually gives a flying f*** about but my point is nowadays you're vying for attention on everything. Whether it's the radio, newspaper, TV screen, or mobile device every single person that has a business or product once your attention and what's your money.

I don't want your money. I just want to put it out there that you can and you will be able to do anything you want if you wholeheartedly believe in yourself. For a long time I didn't and now I believe I can be real as f*** with anyone. It's a really good place to be, why don't you try it.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Sean Ross Sapp tweets Kayfabe storyline to hold Mayor Glenn Jacobs accountable

The only reason that I'm covering this is because I interacted with it and apparently upset Sean Ross Sapp and I'm not apologizing for it.
I'm going to keep this very simple this is not an attack blog, this is the facts blog. Real as f*** and we don't do b******* here.

Including in professional wrestling where the world is a fantasy AKA kayfabe.

Sure are the true facts you simply went back to a wrestling storyline and willfully chose to say that the talent involved Glenn Jacobs AKA Kane is a hypocrite just because in real life he doesn't like drag shows and wants to protect kids from them. That's outlandish and even funny because who does that?

Yes the past storyline involved necrophilia and other various odd societal things and hasn't aged well but to attack Glenn Jacobs the mayor of Knox County Tennessee in a political position of power is completely ridiculous. It's your fact that I'm having to write this because your journalism is so poor is even funny to me.

Yes, sir, I have been following but the whole reason I do is just to see what fire you're going to start next and to put me on blast is great all I'm doing is laughing.

Take care.


Friday, October 21, 2022

How are You going to Show Up Today!

Actions create results if you're just going to sit and whine about it then nothing will happen.

Until you choose a day to pick up and find a way forward or continue improving upon yourself each day then your lifestyle and your abilities are not going to change.

Mel Robbins says it best in this tweet that I'm posting below via screenshot...

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Running from Nuclear War

DISCLAIMER if this post gets me kicked off this platform okay that's great if not enjoy reading because we're in for a roller coaster ride.

Where do I even start when the trend on Google right now is how do I survive a nuclear war?

I don't watch all the mainstream news but this is a direct message to every person in power whether they're located in the United States of America or a foreign leader.

Cut these 5-year-old war game s*** out! Are you all still acting like you're on a playground in the world is your playground, f*** you!

Also to the reader who possibly maybe reading this past the third paragraph, yeah I've got some balls and they didn't just grow overnight they've been here a while.

Stop it now! This is the most direct message I have ever sent to anyone or any leaders. If you have to get in a train, a boat,!a car, or an airplane where you two can meet in a civilized fashion and stop considering dropping bombs on everyone.

Then again by tomorrow I could be dead because they did drop the bomb but at least I tried. What are the rest of you f**** doing out there?

Anything? I hope it's something. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Pallet in Hurricane, WV

This is the way I currently feel, about well life in general, and even what I'm drinking.

Lay it all out there and go for anything you are excited for or passionate about!

Apparently these people at Abolitionist Ale  Works in Charles Town, West Virginia, have a passion for making great beverages with an awesome name.

Overall, on top of having an absolutely tasty drink, they are not f***ing around with the name either. West Fuckin Virginia, yeah! Have to love the branding & marketing approach. Straight forward!

Keep it up! New fan!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

No More Bullsh*t

Life is way too short. If you do not believe me then you are not in touch with reality and please move on. 

I am 43 years old and I'm just learning how to fully function and enjoy life.

A few reasons have led me to this mindset of just being real as f*** each day. Recently people younger than me have passed away extremely unexpectedly but that's not to say quite a few older people have passed on and lived long lives.

I'm not who I was but I like who I'm becoming because I don't have time for drama fake news or people and the bottom is dollar no b*******.

I'm learning each day and with that I'm becoming my best version everyday!

So step It up out there I'm putting you all on notice because we need to do better. There's a lot more to come too and have a great day!

Real AF Brand Life

I hear this almost every day that now is the greatest time to be alive. The world is abundant with opportunities and more then o...